about me and the bees

In 2016, a swarm of bees made a home in my house. Not once, but twice. The bees and I have been partners ever since. I am just a beekeeper on a mission to save some bees. Nothing more. It is simple.

my mission

Saving the bees.  One hive at a time.

my values

It is about the bees. Not the honey.

the journey

First swarm discovered under the house. The second one in the roof. I decided to keep the bees! Thanks to a local beekeeper the journey began...
The passion continued and expanded. I found multiple locations throughout the area. From there, I started to rescue bees, regardless of their situation.
Today, I save and rescue bees. I am expanding to new locations and educating the community. The bees are incredibly important but fascinating.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Selling honey is not my focus, but I do extract.  There is a limited supply since I keep extra honey stores for the bees. I have a freezer full of honey frames to return to the hives that are needing help.  Contact me for more information.

I do!  I am focused on increasing the bee population and to helping other beekeepers to also expand, supports that mission.  I sell frames of bees, nucs and full hives whenever possible.  Contact me for more information.

Supporting the bees goes far beyond the beekeeper.  You don’t have to keep bees to save them.  Here are a few things you can do! 

  • Plant sources of nectar and pollen for all the seasons.  Research what grows well in your area.
  • Do not you pesticides, fog spray for mosquitos or use chemicals in your yards.  They negatively impact the bees and get into the honey.
  • Support my mission.  Contribute today!

Follow me on on social media to learn more.